

Return the comments the user has created

from imgur_python import Imgur

page = 0
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
comments = imgur_client.comments(page)


Get information about a specific comment.

from imgur_python import Imgur

comment_id = 'someImgurCommentId'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
comment = imgur_client.comment_get(comment_id)

Comment and reply creation

Creates a new comment, returns the ID of the comment. You could provide the ID of the parent comment, this is an alternative method to create a reply. The API provides another method, Reply Creation, it works a little bit different, but at the end, it's the same result.

Key Required Description
image_id required The ID of the image or album in the gallery that you wish to comment on
comment required The comment text, this is what will be displayed
parent_id optional The ID of the parent comment, this is an alternative method to create a reply.
from imgur_python import Imgur

image_id = 'someImgurAlbumId'
comment = 'Some interesting comment about the post'
parent_id = None
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.comment_post(image_id, comment, parent_id)

Comment deletion

Delete a comment by the given id.

from imgur_python import Imgur

comment_id = 'someImgurCommentId'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.comment_delete(comment_id)

Comment vote

Vote on a comment. The vote parameter can only be set as up, down or veto.

from imgur_python import Imgur

comment_id = 'someImgurCommentId'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.comment_vote(comment_id, 'up')

Comment report

Report a comment for being inappropriate.

Value Description
1 Doesn't belong on Imgur
2 Spam
3 Abusive
4 Mature content not marked as mature
5 Pornography
from imgur_python import Imgur

comment_id = 'someImgurCommentId'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.comment_report(comment_id, 2)

Comment IDs

Return an array of all of the comment IDs.

Value Description
sort best, worst, oldest, or newest
page page number (50 items per page)
from imgur_python import Imgur

page = 0
sort = 'newest'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.comment_ids(page, sort)


Get the comment with all of the replies for the comment.

from imgur_python import Imgur

comment_id = 'someImgurCommentId'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.comment_replies(comment_id)