

Get all the albums associated with the account.

from imgur_python import Imgur

page = 0
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
albums = imgur_client.albums(page)


Get additional information about an album.

from imgur_python import Imgur

album_id = 'SomeAlbumHash'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
album = imgur_client.album_get(album_id)

Album Images

Get information about an image in an album.

from imgur_python import Imgur

album_id = 'SomeAlbumHash'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
images = imgur_client.album_images(album_id)

Album create

Create a new album. The privacy level of the album could be public, hidden or secret.

Key Required Description
ids[] optional The image ids that you want to be included in the album.
title optional The title of the album
description optional The description of the album
privacy optional Sets the privacy level of the album. Values are : public, hidden or secret.
from imgur_python import Imgur

images = []
title = 'Album title'
description = 'Album description'
privacy = 'hidden'

imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.album_create(images, title, description, privacy)

Album update

Update the information of an album. The privacy level of the album could be public, hidden or secret. The update will replace all the previous images.

from imgur_python import Imgur

album_id = 'SomeAlbumId'
images = ['g38lQAb', 'flF3tuE', 'DZhTxTf', 'qmjQAHV']
title = 'Album edited title'
description = 'Album edited description'
privacy = 'hidden'

imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.album_update(album_id, images, title, description, privacy)

Album delete

Delete an album with a given deletehash.

from imgur_python import Imgur

delete_hash = 'someAlbumDeleteHash'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.album_delete(delete_hash)

Add images

Adds the marked images to an album.

from imgur_python import Imgur

album_id = 'SomeAlbumId'
images = ['g38lQAb', 'flF3tuE', 'DZhTxTf', 'qmjQAHV']

imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.album_add(album_id, images)

Remove images

Remove the marked images from an album.

from imgur_python import Imgur

delete_hash = 'SomeAlbumDeleteHash'
images = ['DZhTxTf', 'qmjQAHV']

imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
response = imgur_client.album_remove(delete_hash, images)

Album IDs

Return an array of all of the album IDs (hashes).

from imgur_python import Imgur

page = 0
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
result = imgur_client.album_ids(page)

Favorite Album

Favorite an album with a given ID.

from imgur_python import Imgur

album = 'SomeAlbumHash'
imgur_client = Imgur({'client_id': 'cf8c57ca8......'})
result = imgur_client.album_fav(album)